01 December, 2008
New media in Teaching Pedagogy
A introduction to the possibilities and potential of "New Media" as a pedagogic tool. Examples are Concept map , Weblog etc
19 June, 2008
Session 4
Today's learning was on collection data through WIHIC instrument. I have always been skeptical about survey as I doubt the accuracy of data collected. My mental model is that people are generally not serious about survey. Most are going through the motion and there are limitation to the instrument. Statement are subjected to individual interpretation and understanding. My assumption is that the realibility of any survey is very much dependent on the profile of the participants. Culture of the target sample play an important factor i.e Western culture is more open to sharing as compared to Asian culture. The demography and educational profile also contribute to the accuracy of results.
16 June, 2008
Reflection for Session 2
Our internal and external enviroment had changed in a very fast pace. The way we conduct our business had to change to keep relevant to our current context. In the learning environment aspect, a paradigm shift is needed to redefine the role of a teacher, the physical environment and teaching structure. Instructional methodology must suit the present preferred style of learning. These includes Mobile learning, and E learning and problem based learning tasks. These are some of the ways that can motivate and engage our present generation of younger in learning.
Today we explore into the instrument of assessing our learning environment. The area of assessment comprises of the physical, Students and Social aspect of a learning environment. The physical referred to the seating arrangement, noise level, space provision for movement and work and the resources required. These are factors that we can be seen, feel and had a appealing effect to stimulating learning. Student factor refer to how the student is being structure learning. An assessment of the student behaviours and concentration in learning. In the social aspect, we assess on the effectiveness of the method of instruction and the activities for learning. Most of these assessment instructment are based on the work of Rudolf H Moos three scheme of assessment: Relationship; Personal Development and System maintenance and system change. Relationship refer to the extent of people invovlement and support for each other learning. Personal development refer personal grow and self enhancement. Lastly the system that look into the extent of which the environemtn is orderly. example of such measuring instructment: WIHIC
Reflection of session 1
Today's session, we were introduced to blog as a way to facilitate learning. It is a good tools to faciliate the learning of our younger generation as they are more techno savvy and are more comfortable in expressing their thoughts in writing. It is a suitable tools for participants with certain level of language proficiency in writing. A more interpersonal style of communication may not appeal to them to share their views and thoughts. Blogging is being introduced as a structure to facilitate sharing other than pair sharing(learning partner) or sharing with a group. All this structure is to enhance the learning environment to cater for the different needs according to the profile of the participants.
An effective learning environment includes:
a. Save evironment to share. Free of fear of judgment
b. Condusive environment that have an positive impact for learning. Appealing to the five senses and emotional aspect of participants.
The key components of a learning environment are :
a. Person
b. Personal needs
c. Human behaviors
Learning environment can have an impact on the individual base on their profile and their needs. The result of this external influence will dictate what type of learning behaviour displayed by the learner.
Other component include assessment by the participants or a detach observer.
An effective learning environment includes:
a. Save evironment to share. Free of fear of judgment
b. Condusive environment that have an positive impact for learning. Appealing to the five senses and emotional aspect of participants.
The key components of a learning environment are :
a. Person
b. Personal needs
c. Human behaviors
Learning environment can have an impact on the individual base on their profile and their needs. The result of this external influence will dictate what type of learning behaviour displayed by the learner.
Other component include assessment by the participants or a detach observer.
15 June, 2008
Session 3
Assessing learning environment - How - which?
There are various approaches to assessing Learning Enivornment which includes trained observers through ethnographic & naturalistic inquiry, inventories(perceptions of students/teachers) and direct data collection(interview) . Instruments like WIHIC, using the Moos 3 scheme of assessing to assess the learning environment. Survey questions used not in its original but altered to suit the context without changing the essent of the questions. Bearing in mind that all the questions in the instrument had been tested, we need not reinvent the wheels. We were also briefly introduce to how to administer the survey. From the case study, we got a feel from the assessment of the learning environment report, revealing the climate of the school environment.
A survey instrument is a good instrument to gauge the current reality of an issue that we are concerned about. Data collection should include all the stake holders to get a more accurate results before administering any change efforts. Climate survey instrument is a tools for us to test our hypothesis or assumptions about our learning environment. Our assumption will guide the scale we choose and test with a survey administer before and after a learning experience.
In conclusion this session has been and eye opener to gain insight into assessing the learning environment as this is very important for us to reflect and review our practices.
There are various approaches to assessing Learning Enivornment which includes trained observers through ethnographic & naturalistic inquiry, inventories(perceptions of students/teachers) and direct data collection(interview) . Instruments like WIHIC, using the Moos 3 scheme of assessing to assess the learning environment. Survey questions used not in its original but altered to suit the context without changing the essent of the questions. Bearing in mind that all the questions in the instrument had been tested, we need not reinvent the wheels. We were also briefly introduce to how to administer the survey. From the case study, we got a feel from the assessment of the learning environment report, revealing the climate of the school environment.
A survey instrument is a good instrument to gauge the current reality of an issue that we are concerned about. Data collection should include all the stake holders to get a more accurate results before administering any change efforts. Climate survey instrument is a tools for us to test our hypothesis or assumptions about our learning environment. Our assumption will guide the scale we choose and test with a survey administer before and after a learning experience.
In conclusion this session has been and eye opener to gain insight into assessing the learning environment as this is very important for us to reflect and review our practices.
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