16 June, 2008

Reflection for Session 2

Our internal and external enviroment had changed in a very fast pace. The way we conduct our business had to change to keep relevant to our current context. In the learning environment aspect, a paradigm shift is needed to redefine the role of a teacher, the physical environment and teaching structure. Instructional methodology must suit the present preferred style of learning. These includes Mobile learning, and E learning and problem based learning tasks. These are some of the ways that can motivate and engage our present generation of younger in learning.
Today we explore into the instrument of assessing our learning environment. The area of assessment comprises of the physical, Students and Social aspect of a learning environment. The physical referred to the seating arrangement, noise level, space provision for movement and work and the resources required. These are factors that we can be seen, feel and had a appealing effect to stimulating learning. Student factor refer to how the student is being structure learning. An assessment of the student behaviours and concentration in learning. In the social aspect, we assess on the effectiveness of the method of instruction and the activities for learning. Most of these assessment instructment are based on the work of Rudolf H Moos three scheme of assessment: Relationship; Personal Development and System maintenance and system change. Relationship refer to the extent of people invovlement and support for each other learning. Personal development refer personal grow and self enhancement. Lastly the system that look into the extent of which the environemtn is orderly. example of such measuring instructment: WIHIC

1 comment:

Philip said...

The slide show is COOL !!